10 Tips For an Organized Christmas Season
The Christmas season is a joyful time of year, one that many people look forward to with anticipation. But it is easy to understand why many people feel overwhelmed and stressed out by the busyness of the season.
Not only is there pressure to find the perfect gifts, there is worry about spending too much money, the expectation that you will fully decorate the interior and exterior of your home, the time commitment required for baking and planning special meals, the scheduling of multiple parties and get togethers, the obligation to send Christmas cards, visiting all your relatives, and when it’s over, you still have the enormous task of packing up all the decorations for next year. If you are feeling a little overwhelmed just thinking about it you are not alone. But there is hope! By following these few simple tips, you can have a more organized Christmas and avoid that feeling of being overwhelmed.
Schedule to Avoid Conflicts
Many of the activities we do around the holidays involve coordinating multiple family members and their conflicting schedules. Scheduling activities in advance can cut down on your stress level and make for happier family relations. To do this, print a large calendar for the month of December and tape it on or near the fridge. Instruct everyone to add their December events to the calendar so that everyone in the family can easily tell at a glance the comings and goings of each family member. For example, by letting your family know that the second Saturday in December is reserved for Christmas baking, or that December 20th is reserved for classic movie night, it allows everyone to schedule their other events around those of the family, thus avoiding hurt feelings and disappointment that comes from missing an event due to a conflict. Use the December calendar to schedule both family and work events, party obligations, get togethers, and volunteer commitments.
Stress Free Decorating
Does holiday decorating stress you out? Between work and your busy schedule when will you ever find the time to haul out Christmas boxes, sort decorations, set up the tree, hang exterior lights, and set up the lawn reindeer? Whew! I get tired just thinking about it! But there is a way to avoid all the stress and hassle that is associated with Christmas decorating. Break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Smaller tasks are easier to complete and give you a sense of accomplishment, making the entire project less daunting and more enjoyable.
For example, just finding and hauling out the Christmas boxes from storage can be a daunting task, never mind unpacking everything and decorating the house. The solution is to break the job down into smaller, manageable tasks. Task #1 could be “Find and bring Christmas boxes to the main floor”. This task can be completed a day in advance of any decorating; that way you won’t feel tired from hauling boxes. Task #2 could be “Move Christmas tree and tree decorations to the main room”. Task #3 could be “Decorate the Christmas Tree”. The idea of breaking the job into smaller, manageable tasks is not to exhaust yourself by trying to do it all in one shot. Space out the work and as you complete each task think of mentally crossing it off of your to-do list. Maybe you are up for completing two tasks per day, or even three. The point is to go at a pace that is fun and manageable for you. This might mean a straight weekend of decorating where everyone pitches in and every task gets completed. Or, it could mean that you complete one task per day and complete decorating over a period of two or three weekends.
Take Stock Before You Bake
If you are like most people, you probably have some special recipes that only get made once a year for the holidays. You may even have a tradition of setting aside a day to bake or inviting family members to share in the ritual of preparing a special family recipe. Whatever your tradition, avoid stress on baking day by checking your recipes a week in advance to see what ingredients you need to stock up on. You may have forgotten that Aunt Mary’s shortbread recipe requires 4 pounds of butter, or that 2 dozen eggs are required for multiple batches. This is also a good time to check the pantry for ingredients you have on hand but may not be fresh. Brown sugar is notorious for going hard, and if your flour is years old it won’t perform as well as a fresh bag. Avoid that last minute panic of running out to buy key ingredients by checking your recipes and pantry a week or two in advance and shopping for all the ingredients beforehand.
Christmas Cards Made Easy
Like to send Christmas cards but don’t have time to write a personal note in each one? Consider typing a one-page letter detailing the highlights of your year. Can’t remember what you had for breakfast last week, let alone what you did at the start of this year? Use your calendar to help you recall events that happened this year and write about them. If you have time, purchase Christmas letterhead to print your letter on. This will give it that extra special touch and make your letter appear more in line with your personality. (Note: There are some funky Christmas letterheads out there!) Ensure the content of the letter is generic enough that its suitable for all friends and older relatives. And if you find postage costs prohibitive, or you have left card mailing too late, consider sending your letter by email or text to those who prefer electronic communications.
Preparing For Guests
With COVID-19 travel restrictions being eased, many people will have more guests for the holidays this year than last year. Chances are, the space in your home that was previously designated as a guest room has been repurposed during the last lockdown. Your guest room may now serve as your full-time home office, a home gym, or a catch-all room for kids toys and older furnishings. But there are some simple steps you can take to make this space welcoming for visitors again.
First, clear any horizontal surfaces of papers. This could be as simple as placing an elastic band around the piles and moving them to the floor under your desk or to another room that your guest won’t see. All guests appreciate a clean, flat surface to place a few items on, be it their medication or toiletries.
Next, ensure the floor is clear. Remove any tripping hazards such as toys or boxes so that guests have a clear path to the bed. Last but not least, pull out your guest linens and towels and give them the sniff test a week ahead of any guests’ arrival. If they smell musky, you will still have time to run a load of laundry before your guest arrive. (Note: To refresh clean towels, skip the wash and place them in the dryer with a scented dryer sheet.)
Gift Wrap Storage
To save time and cut down on frustration when it comes to wrapping presents, create a storage zone for all your gift- wrapping supplies. Keep everything you need for wrapping presents (scotch tape, a pair of scissors, bows, ribbons and name tags) with the Christmas rolls so you don’t have to search for each item when you are ready to wrap. Designate a convenient spot for all these supplies that is large enough to store them together. This could be a tall cardboard box stored in the basement, an under-the-bed storage box, or a garment bag hanging in a spare closet. It is also a good idea to keep an extra box of Christmas cards with your Christmas wrapping supplies to have on hand for any last-minute gifts.
It’s OK to Say No
Too many times we agree to take on roles that we simply do not have the time for in an effort to be seen as accommodating. Did you agree to become chairman of a committee at your church because no other volunteer stepped up? Did you commit to drive for a local charity because they didn’t have enough drivers in your area? Did you agree to bake gingerbread men for little Suzie’s entire class because somebody heard you are a great baker? If these voluntary obligations keep finding you and you are negatively impacted by them, it may be time to set some limits on what you agree to take on. Remember, it is okay to say no if the task ends up causing you stress, disruption to your routine, or has other negative consequences. Think about what you can realistically handle. Perhaps you can commit to attend a meeting, but not be its chairperson. Or, you can agree to drive for the charity on an occasional basis but not once a week. Do your best to accommodate requests but don’t stretch yourself too thin.
Priceless Gift Giving
Christmas is a time of year that budgets get thrown out of the window. There are so many people in your life who you would like to shower with gifts. Gift giving has become synonymous with appreciation, caring and love. The problem is, we all have a limited amount of money and no one who cares for you would want you to go into financial hardship for the sake of a gift. So how do we treat a multitude of people to gifts without breaking the bank? First, make a short list of people who absolutely need a store-bought gift and budget for those people. Next, make a list of all the remaining people you would like to give a gift to but would appreciate a personal gift that isn’t store bought, such as preparing a homecooked meal or baked goods, offering to babysit or house clean, or volunteering at a loved one’s favourite charity. The gift of your time is very valuable. It cannot be purchased but its value outweighs any gift card.
Online Shopping Tips
If you have ever ordered something online, you understand the frustration of waiting for something to arrive that you desperately need. While Christmas presents generally do not fall into the category of “desperately need”, you don’t want to disappoint a child or be without a gift for your spouse because you are waiting for a delivery. Delivery times have already been impacted by shortages in the supply of microprocessors (used in many electronics) and shortages in labour forces. To avoid disappointment, order your gifts well in advance of December 25th. If you require a deadline to motivate you, pretend November 25th is Christmas Day and make a game of it to see if you can have your online orders arrive by November 25th.